Chapters of Change: 500 Books, 500 Trees, 500 Futures with Amara

Can you feel the excitement in the air? We're just weeks away from the book event of the year, and let me tell you, it's going to be epic!
Amara, our curious, history-loving, tree-planting superstar, is getting ready to meet YOU at the Mary Sue Rich Community Center on September 28th. But here's the thing - she needs your help to make this adventure truly magical!
Our mission? It's a big one, folks:
  1. Donate 500 "Amara's Adventures" books to local kids
  2. Plant a whole forest of trees (okay, maybe not a whole forest, but a lot!)
  3. Spread the love for reading
How can you join in on the fun?
  1. Mark your calendar: September 28th, 10 AM to 12 PM. 
  2. Donate a book (or two, or ten!): Each book you donate puts a smile on a child's face and plants the seed of curiosity in their mind.
  3. Buy a book for yourself: With every purchase, 10% goes to planting trees. That's right - you're basically a superhero for literacy AND the environment!
You're not just giving a story. You're giving:
  • A ticket to adventure
  • A key to unlock imagination
  • A friend in Amara
  • A love for learning that'll last a lifetime
  • A greener future for our planet

Are you ready to join Amara on this incredible journey? Click here to donate or purchase a book.

Let's make this event one for the history books!

Remember, every book counts, every tree matters, and every child deserves the chance to explore the world through reading. 

See you on September 28th, adventure awaits!


500 Books, 500 Smiles: Amara's Big Literacy Month Mission